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Bushmead – Cedar Woods Properties (2015 – 2017)

Bushmead – Cedar Woods Properties (2015 – 2017)

  • Certification category: Residential sub-division development

  • ActiveSustainability role: Lead consultant for detailed project assessment and development of supporting documentation and technical data to address ED standards.

The Consultancy Brief specifies a three-stage approach:

  • Project visioning and structure planning ‘ED analysis:

    • Preliminary early-stage assessment of the structure plan and preliminary project planning to determine consistency with addressing the ED standards.

    • Review and analysis of sub-division design to improve road layout and lot orientation and shape to support development of climate response-solar passive-designed homes.

    • Facilitated project visioning workshop to identify the key unifying themes and qualities of the Bushmead site, and to develop a vision statement for the project.

As an outcome of this work Cedar Woods committed to prepare for ED certification for Bushmead with the intention of achieving certification in all six ED elements.

  • Detailed review of all available project documentation, facilitated workshops and review meetings with the project team, and an assessment of the project for all the six ED elements to determine likelihood to achieve certification and recommendations for necessary actions to address the ED criteria.

  • Compilation and completion of technical worksheets and all supporting documentation and lodgement with UDIA, including liaising with the project team and UDIA personnel.

  • Additional work undertaken to support the ED requirements included the development of built form design standards, Sustainable Living Guides, and designing and facilitation of purchaser/resident workshops.

Bushmead has been awarded certifications for all six ED elements – Ecosystem, Energy, Water, Waste, Materials and Community.

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